Aaron Tillman (he/him) is the Associate Director of the Writing Program at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. As a Writing instructor and administrator, he specializes in flexible and inclusive course design, multimodal composition, digital literacy, and the intersections between creative writing and writing studies. Prior to joining the UMass Writing Program, Aaron was an Associate Professor of English and Director of the Honors Program at Newbury College, which closed in May 2019. He is the author of two short story collections, Consolation Miracles (Gateway Literary Press 2022) and Every Single Bone in My Brain (Braddock Avenue Books 2017), a book of critical nonfiction, Magical American Jew: The Enigma of Difference in Contemporary Jewish American Short Fiction and Film (Lexington Books 2018), and he has a novel forthcoming from Regal House Publishing (2026). Aaron won the 2022 Gival Press Short Story Award, the 2018 John Gardner Memorial Prize in Fiction from Harpur Palate, a Short Story Award for New Writers from Glimmer Train Stories, and several of his stories have been nominated for the Pushcart Prize for Fiction. His stories have appeared in many journals, including Mississippi Review, Glimmer Train Stories, Narrative Magazine, Harpur Palate, Sou'Wester, upstreet, Solstice Literary Magazine, The Madison Review, Arcadia Magazine, The Carolina Quarterly, great weather for MEDIA, Tin Can Literary Review, Burrow Press Review, and elsewhere. He has recorded stories for broadcast on the Words & Music program at Tufts University and for Functionally Literate Radio. His essays have appeared in The Writer's Chronicle, Studies in American Humor, Symbolism, The CEA Critic, and The Intersection of Fantasy and Native America (Mythopoeic 2009). He earned his PhD in English from University of Rhode Island, his MFA in Fiction Writing from Sarah Lawrence College, and his BA in English from Hobart College.